
Showing posts from December, 2020

Nutrition for Marathon Runners

  In the field of athletics, nutrition holds a very important place and any athlete would need to ensure that he or she consumes proper nutritious food that could naturally enhance or optimize his or her performance. This being a fact, it has been observed that several athletes, especially runners, are seen to depend more on food that are not of much help in enhancing or optimizing their performance. So, the question is what can be and is the finest nutrition for runners?   Many people who belong to the world of athletics do not have a good understanding about the right and balanced diet and they end up popping so-called health pills one after the other. This lack of understanding has more of an adverse effect on performance. Thus, what a runner requires to do is to gain pertinent knowledge about the right food and dietary habits that can actually make him perform better and excel at his or her sport.   Now that the question of a suitable diet is doing the rounds in everybody&#

Proper Nutrition for Athletes

  Nutrition for Athletes   Proper nutrition is an essential part of living a healthy life; this is even truer when considering nutrition for athletes. Athletes who are more active or are engaged in a sport need to have a well-balanced diet. Including the proper nutrition that the body needs will help you stay healthy and energized. Today, obtaining proper nutrition for an athlete is not difficult to achieve; with the help of scientists and nutritionists, there is a wide variety of nutrition plans and nutrition programs to choose from. Without the adequate nutrition, athletes can develop various diseases, and also run the risk of poor performance on the field, court or athletic event.   Why is proper nutrition for athletes important?   The main reason why athletes should find a nutrition program is so that they can stay healthy and prevent injuries. Recent research reports that injuries are more prevalent during the last 20-30 minutes of a game; this is because during this t

MCT Supplementation - Claims, Myths, and the Truth

  Medium-chain triglycerides are very different from the long chain triglycerides we most commonly consume. They occur naturally in coconuts, and MCT oil (usually coconut oil put through a centrifuge) is a relatively affordable supplement.   Claims:   -Aids in fat loss -Prevents fat gain -Stimulates muscle growth -Prevents arteriosclerosis   (hardening of the arteries due to excess fat and cholesterol build up) -Improves immune function -Improves Cognitive function   What the Science tells us:   As a fat loss aid:   Thought 1:   mct öl are less calorically dense than Long chain triglycerides (8.3 calories per gram vs 9), therefor replacing LCTs in the standard western diet with MCTs would lead to a greater deficit, and therfore greater fat loss.   Let's say you replace half of your fat intake with purely MCTs, and lets assume you are taking in 100g (round figure) of fat per day. Originally your daily caloric intake from fat would be 900 c

MCT Oil - A Very Underrated Supplement

  Shedding body fat and getting ripped takes determination, willpower and discipline. People are always looking for that 'miracle supplement', or 'silver bullet' to make it easier. Truth be told, nothing will make it easy. You are still going to have to work your butt off. However, there are a few tips and tricks that could help get you there quicker. One such tip is increasing your intake of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) or MCT Öl .   What is MCT Öl ?   MCT oil is a fat produced from coconut oil and palm kernels. Sometimes people just refer to it as coconut oil.   Now before you ask, "how is increasing my fat intake going to help?" you need to realize that not all fats are created equal.   Most dietary fat is made up of Long Chain Triglycerides (LCT's), consisting of 12-18 carbon atoms per chain. Medium Chain Triglycerides on the other hand are shorter, consisting of 6-10 carbon atoms per chain. Because of this difference in structure,

The Benefits of Mixing MCT Oil Into Your Ketogenic Diet Plan

In life, we're always talking about must haves. If you're driving a high end car, you must have the top of the line motor oil coursing through its cylinders. If you're competing at a high level in a track competition, state of the art running shoes are a must have. When you're celebrating a huge quarter at the office, the finest bourbon is a must have. I would submit to you, that if you're serious about a ketogenic lifestyle, MCT-Öl is a must have.   MCT Oil provides( mct pulver öl ) a heavy dose of the very fuels that turn your body into - and keep it - a fat burning machine. Unlike LCTs, MCTs bypass much of the digestion process that others fats go through. MCTs act in an almost carb-like manner in how they're sent directly to the liver, where they are used for energy.   There are many reasons why MCT makes perfect sense for your Ketogenic Diet, but help you understand how they can play an essential role in your nutrition, we've some of the main b

The Keto Diet and Weight Loss

  If you have had a desire to shed some extra pounds, then perhaps you could have come across ketogenic diet , which is popularly known as Keto diet. It is a popular weight loss plan that promises significant weight loss in a short time.   But far from what most people believe it to be, the diet is not a magical tool for weight loss. Just like any other diet, it takes time, requires a lot of adjustment and tracking to see results.   What is the Keto diet ?   The keto diet is aimed at putting your body in Ketosis. This diet plan is usually low carb with high intake of healthy fats, vegetables and sufficient proteins. In the this diet, there is also an emphasis on avoiding highly processed foods and sugars.   There are several types of Keto diets: standard ketogenic, cyclical, targeted and the high-protein diets. The difference in them depends on the carb intake. The standard ketogenic diet is low carb, high fat and adequate protein is the most recommended. Is the Ket

Is the Keto Diet Right for You?

  Are you interested in losing weight? Are you tired of diets that advocate low or no fats and crave your high fat meats? You may well be considering going on the keto diet, the new kid on the block. Endorsed by many celebrities including Halle Berry, LeBron James and Kim Kardashian among others, the keto diet has been the subject of much debate among dietitians and doctors. Do you wonder if the keto diet is safe and right for you?   What is the ketogenic diet anyway?   You must be aware that the body uses sugar in the form of glycogen to function. The keto diet that is extremely restricted in sugar forces your body to use fat as fuel instead of sugar, since it does not get enough sugar. When the body does not get enough sugar for fuel, the liver is forced to turn the available fat into ketones that are used by the body as fuel - hence the term ketogenic.   This diet is a high fat diet with moderate amounts of protein. Depending on your carb intake the body reaches a state

Are You Right For The Keto Diet?

  These days, it seems like everyone is talking about the ketogenic (in short, keto) diet - the very low-carbohydrate, moderate protein, high-fat eating plan that transforms your body into a fat-burning machine. Hollywood stars and professional athletes have publicly touted this diet's benefits, from losing weight, lowering blood sugar, fighting inflammation, reducing cancer risk, increasing energy, to slowing down aging. So is keto something that you should consider taking on? The following will explain what this diet is all about, the pros and cons, as well as the problems to look out for.   What Is Keto?   Normally, the body uses glucose as the main source of fuel for energy. When you are on a keto diet and you are eating very few carbs with only moderate amounts of protein (excess protein can be converted to carbs), your body switches its fuel supply to run mostly on fat. The liver produces ketones (a type of fatty acid) from fat. These ketones become a fuel source for

Trendige Schals Ideen für deutsche Männer und Frauen!

Sowohl Männer als auch Frauen sehen gerne stilvoll aus und folgen den neuesten Modetrends. Es ist bekannt, dass Frauen mehr Möglichkeiten haben, wenn es um Accessoires geht, um ihre Garderobe hervorzuheben. Die meisten Frauen verwenden Accessoires, um ein modisches Statement abzugeben und ihre Individualität zu erkunden. Das Modeaccessoire, das an Fahrt gewinnt, sind Schals. Schals sind in vielen Formen, Größen, Farben, Mustern, Texturen und Materialien erhältlich. Normalerweise werden im Winter Schals getragen, um unseren Hals vor trockener, kalter Luft zu schützen. Aber der neueste Modetrend ist, dass Sie zu jeder Jahreszeit einen Schal tragen können. Natürlich wählen Sie das richtige Material für die Temperatur. Es gibt andere trendige Möglichkeiten, Ihren Schal zu tragen.   Modische Möglichkeiten, 5 verschiedene Schals in dieser Herbstsaison zu stylen Männermode     Wenn Sie Ihrem Outfit das nächste Mal Glamour verleihen möchten, fügen Sie einen Schal hinzu. Zum Beispie

10 Promi-Lederjacken, die von allen geliebt werden

Mode ist nur ein Versuch, Kunst in lebendigen Formen und im sozialen Verkehr zu verwirklichen. “- Francis Bacon.Ja, es ist wahr, Trends und Mode sind zentrale Anreize, um die Kunst des Lebens zu genießen, und unsere Prominenten sind diejenigen, die diese Stilaussagen erstellen. Diesen Stars folgt eine große Anzahl von Fans und es wird oft gesehen, dass ihr Aussehen, ihre Frisuren und sogar ihre Kleidung von Bewunderern sehr ernst genommen werden. Leather Jacket Master als Trendsetter bringt Sie Ihrer Lieblingskleidung näher, indem Sie die Top 10 Promi-Lederjacken im Rampenlicht präsentieren.   Tom Cruise Mission Unmöglicher Lederblazer   LJM präsentiert stolz Tom Cruise Mission Impossible Leather Blazer für Ihre trendige Garderobe. Tom Cruise, ein Star vieler Blockbuster-Filme und ein ebenso bewunderter Promi auf der ganzen Welt, hat eine große Fangemeinde. Er wurde für sein Aussehen und seine Stilaussagen geliebt, die er im Laufe der Jahre durch seine Filme und im wirklichen L